Story Crafter’s Guild
The Story Crafter’s Guild
It’s a $5 registration fee, then it’s $15/m which includes your monthly membership fee for on-line and on-land adventures.
We are opening our Earth-Guides online portal to invite you to a virtual living room where we can all be supported in…
…The Craft of Guiding People through Storytelling…
Allow me to explain.
Are an English Speaking Person
Have time and energy to devote to learning
Are new to running outdoor programs
Are a skilled program leader or program administrator and seeking a new adventure
Are a leader of youth programs
Are someone who lead or guide youth ages 8 and up and young adults
Are an administrator who is actively engaged with staff and youth in outdoor programs
Are a person who runs indoor programs (you will have to adapt some content, as this is tailored to outdoor programs)
This might be for you… keep reading.
My name is Jamie Black, aka HummingBard, aka Faythe (a Level 67 Druid). For years I have guided thousands of people, young and old, on adventures with little to no reasources, or things upcycled and freecycled, to ignite and engage people in accomplishing what I call “heart skills” while building a relationship with Earth, eachother and themselves.
You know those skills that we gain like, listening, communication, coping, breathing, not taking other people’s actions personally, and the many other life skills you can imagine. The ones that are nearly unseen, and not usually taught… That’s what I’m talking about.
I believe that the most fun way to learn those life skills is through play, especially outside. When I learned that what I do could be considered Live Action Role Play, I laughed… because I didn’t know there was a name for it, I just did it. I’ve been doing this on my own for over 20 years, and realized that if I had a community of support where I could go…
– Share my woe’s and triumphs
– Laugh, cry, and giggle
– Make mistakes, judgements and fail safely
– Be heard
– Hear other people’s stories
I think I would be a lot further along in life than I am now.
Ce la vi. Here we are.
And I am here to help.
So tell me, How Can I Help?
A year ago we created an App called Earth Guides through Circle. This is a safe and private place where we can connect, learn, grow and share as a Community of Support.
We are now opening Cohort #6 in our Story Crafter’s Training.
Will you come have a seat, grab a cuppa and learn what it’s about.
We permit people to join Free for 1 week, to see if it’s a good fit for you.
This is partially self-paced learning journey, except for those times where we need things to be completed on time.
We will have
-> Live sessions for Q&A’s
-> Many recorded course-like materials to review
-> Resources and documents you can download to support your planning journey
-> and an entire community of people like you to network with.
Yes you can also private message me in the App if you have questions.
This self-paced training can be as short as 3 weeks, and as long as 3 months. You can quit any time.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to me directly. My information is all in my bio.
The image you see above is a snap shot of our portal.
Categories: Guilds, Trainer in a Box
Tags: bc, canada, community, guide, guild, hummingbard, jamie black, learn, storycrafter, storytelling, support, training
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